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2024 agenda themes

2024 agenda themes


Agenda topics include

Digital transformation 


In the evolving digital infrastructure landscape, telcos shift to CPaaS, data center platforms invest in green energy. Explore the "as-a-service" model, adapting to customer needs for flexibility, securing loyalty, and scaling revenue streams.

Data infrastructure 

Killer apps like AI, mobile finance, and IoT drive exponential data creation and processing. Explore sustainability implications, technical solutions, and expansion plans supporting this growth.

Investment & Finance 

Crucial investment in digital infrastructure fuels technology development. Get firsthand tips on navigating regulations, spotting attractive opportunities for strong returns, and evaluating pros and cons of partnership models.

Fibre Connect Europe 

Rural broadband, FTTH and middle mile buildout continue to attract investment and M&A activity. Industry insiders will unpick the regulatory hurdles to investment, who strategic buyers are, as well as the benefits of infrastructure sharing to connect under-served regions. 

Satellite Connectivity 

Fiber networks converging with satellite infrastructure is a business imperative. Towercos identify synergies with telecom satellite operators. Explore interoperability mechanics, the roadmap to interconnected infrastructure, and business models supporting this new world.

Subsea EMEA 

Evolving business models and emerging technologies emphasize the significance of subsea connectivity. Securing funding for multimillion-dollar projects poses a challenge. Grasp shifting dynamics and connect with essential partners to deliver for your customers.

Network security & Fraud prevention 

An increasingly connected world poses more risk of cybersecurity breaches and fraudulent activity. Explore industry efforts to combat threats now and in the future and propose solutions to protect your business revenues. 

emPOWERED to excel 

Through engaging round tables, learn about reskilling and upskilling the workforce – with a student tour and training programme, GLF Accelerator workshop (by invitation only) and networking galore. 

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