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Capacity Europe 2024

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Panel Discussion: Submarine cable routes: why diversify?

16 Oct 2024
Keynote Stage, Peninsula Ballroom, Ground Floor
Subsea EMEA
The outages of several subsea cables in the Middle East and Africa are purportedly forcing 30% of Internet traffic from Europe to Asia to be rerouted onto terrestrial or satellite networks. However, the quality of service and low latency cannot be replicated. This vindicates the hyperscaler position that diverse routes are a must to guarantee back-up connectivity. Panellists will discuss beneficial business models and partnerships for successful cable builds, as well as potential alternative routes and how to attract investment from lenders.
George Nikoloudis, CCO - OTE SA
Tansy McCluskie, Network Investments EMEA - meta
Rob Schult, Research Director - TeleGeography
Vish Vishwanathan, Acting Head of Global Wholesale & Strategic Carrier - TELSTRA INTERNATIONAL
Hazzaa Alhazzaa, Submarine Expert - Mobily
Jorgen Qvist, COO - NORDUnet
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